At its meeting on 16 June 2017, the Federal Council adopted the dispatch on the introduction of automatic information exchange (AIA) with 41 states and territories.

According to the media release, the implementation of the AIA with the respective states and territories is planned for 2018 and data are to be exchanged in autumn 2019. The states include in particular Argentina, Brazil, China, Liechtenstein, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia and South Africa (see also our contribution of 7 February 2017).

The Federal Council has announced that the proposals have met with the approval of a large majority of interested parties. On the basis of some comments made in the consultations, a federal decree also provides for the Federal Council to draw up a status report before the first data exchange to ensure that implementation conforms to standards. This is intended to examine whether the states and territories concerned actually fulfil the requirements of the standard, in particular with regard to confidentiality and data security (cf. in this regard also the article in the NZZ of 16 June 2017).

Detailed information, including the dispatch, the federal decrees and the report on the results of the consultation, can be found here.