The Government Council of Basel-Stadt submits to the Grand Council of the Canton of Basel-Stadt a proposal for the partial revision of the Tax Act in order to introduce a procedure for the direct deduction of taxes from wages at cantonal level. The proposal is the subject of political debate.

According to a brief message from the meeting of the cantonal government on 14 March 2017, the government of the canton of Basel-Stadt has submitted a bill to the Grand Council for the partial revision of the tax law. The aim is to introduce a procedure for the deduction of taxes from employees' wages. This is intended to implement the motion submitted by the Grand Council against the will of the Government Council by Rudolf Rechsteiner (SP) regarding "automated voluntary direct deduction of direct taxes from wages".

The proposal for the wage deduction procedure (reference number 17.0347) is currently being discussed by the Economic and Tax Commission (WAK) of the Grand Council of the Canton of Basel-Stadt (see the resolution of the Grand Council of 5 April 2017)

The Government Council's advice and draft law on the partial revision of the cantonal tax law of 15 March 2017 is available here.

Cf. also the NZZ article of 11 May 2017 ("Why in Basel-Stadt taxes should be deducted directly from wages in future").